UBE and UBS have been awarded for their outstanding contributions in labor relations and labor welfare for the year 2023.

Ubon Bio Ethanol Public Company Limited or UBE and Ubon Sunflower Company Limited (UBS) were honored to receive the 2023 Outstanding Award in Labor Relations and Labor Welfare from a project aimed at promoting business establishments with exemplary management systems. Ms. Tassanee Srichat, Vice President of Human Resources, represented the company to receive the award from Mr. Pakorn Chenpoon, representative of the Labor Protection and Welfare Office in Ubon Ratchathani Province. This recognition celebrates establishments with UBE’s outstanding labor relations and welfare management systems, serving as a role model for others in the industry. The award ceremony took place on December 14, 2023, at the Labor Protection and Welfare Office in Ubon Ratchathani Province.
These accolades underscore UBE and UBS's commitment to prioritizing all stakeholders, particularly employees, within their operations. Receiving such recognition serves as a morale boost for the organizations, motivating them to further enhance their labor relations systems and provide welfare initiatives that contribute to an improved quality of life for their employees.