In 2023, the Company assessed and reviewed business risks by integrating key sustainability issues affecting the business chain. This was aimed at preserving value and enhancing the product to meet the needs of all stakeholder groups, without neglecting their expectations for the Company’s responsiveness through various communication channels. This year's business plan review has focused on reprioritizing key sustainability issues, with a particular emphasis on investing in new projects that focus on innovation, research and development as the first priority.

Furthermore, Thailand is currently in an era of energy transition. As the business progresses, UBE is focusing on the issue of climate action and supply chain management, along with developing innovation through research and development in agriculture. In the sustainability management process, a working group has been appointed to drive sustainable development. The focus is on participation at all levels of management, from the highest level to intermediate level, down to operational level, covering all work areas in economic, social, and environmental dimensions, or ESG, to be applied in concrete work methods.

In jointly building a sustainable business, the Company is aware of the importance of creating a corporate culture and developing all forms of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) knowledge for executives and employees. This is to ensure that sustainability is passed on to every generation. It is not solely about policy determination; rather, there is a transfer of the sustainability management concept that UBE has jointly designed into UBE CARE. This enables the UBEYOND family to collaborate in overcoming the challenges of doing business in an era of economic volatility and fluctuating climate, while adhering to a sustainable business management plan to survive, and also supporting each other in achieving the country's sustainability goals and contributing to the development of the country's economy in a truly sustainable manner.

In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to the Stock Exchange of Thailand for granting our company the opportunity to participate in the project aimed at enhancing the quality of sustainability information for listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This initiative, supported by the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF), involves experts providing straightforward advice on principles and reasons. These insights can empower our organization to enhance sustainability management, establish clear and business-aligned goals, adopt new tools for sustainability efforts, and set criteria for selecting measurement tools that align with the country's sustainability principles and standards. This paves the way for elevating these standards to international levels.

Miss Sureeyot Khowsurat

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Ubon Bio Ethanol Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries Advisory Chairman of the Sustainability Management Working Group